BestCoder Round #67 (2/4)
A N bulbs
Problem Description
N bulbs are in a row from left to right,some are on, and some are off.The first bulb is the most left one. And the last one is the most right one.they are numbered from 1 to n,from left to right. >>继续阅读
BestCoder Round #65 (4/5)
A ZYB's Biology
Problem Description
After getting 600 scores in NOIP ZYB(ZJ-267) begins to work with biological questions.Now he give you a simple >>继续阅读
BestCoder Round #64(Div.2) (3/4) (Div.1) (2/4)
A Numbers
Problem Description
There is a number N.You should output "YES" if N is a multiple of 2, 3 or 5,otherwise output "NO". >>继续阅读
BestCoder Round #63(Div.2) (4/4) (Div.1) (3/4)
A sequence1
Problem Description
Given an array a with length n, could you tell me how many pairs (i,j) ( i < j ) for abs(ai−aj) mod b=c.
Input >>继续阅读
BestCoder Round #58(Div.2) (4/4) (Div.1) (3/4)
A Card Game
Problem Description
Soda and Beta are good friends. They are going to play a card game today. Soda has n cards with number a1,a2,...,an >>继续阅读
BestCoder Round #57(Div.2) (2/4) (Div.1) (1/4)
Scaena Felix
Problem Description
Given a parentheses sequence consist of '(' and ')', a modify can filp a parentheses, changing '(' to ')' or ')' to '('. >>继续阅读
BestCoder Round #54(Div.2) (4/4) (Div.1) (3/4)
A problem of sorting
Problem Description
There are many people's name and birth in a list.Your task is to print the name from young to old.(There is no pair of >>继续阅读
BestCoder Round #45 (2/4)
A.Dylans loves numbers
Problem Description
Who is Dylans?You can find his ID in UOJ and Codeforces. His another ID is s1451900 in BestCoder. And now today's problems are all about him.Dylans is given a number N. >>继续阅读