
maksyuki 发表于 oj 分类,标签:

ACboy needs your help

Problem Description

ACboy has N courses this term, and he plans to spend at most M days on study.Of course,the profit he will gain from different course depending on the days he spend on it.How to arrange the M days for the N courses to maximize the profit?


The input consists of multiple data sets. A data set starts with a line containing two positive integers N and M, N is the number of courses, M is the days ACboy has.
Next follow a matrix A[i][j], (1<=i<=N<=100,1<=j<=M<=100).A[i][j] indicates if ACboy spend j days on ith course he will get profit of value A[i][j].
N = 0 and M = 0 ends the input.


For each data set, your program should output a line which contains the number of the max profit ACboy will gain.

Sample Input

2 2

1 2

1 3

2 2

2 1

2 1

2 3

3 2 1

3 2 1

0 0

Sample Output





HDU 2007-Spring Programming Contest



算法分析: 每一个人分为一组,每组中的物品由不同时间(花费)来区分,然后直接使用分组背包求解即可,注意一定要先判断j >= k !!!!!!